Saturday, April 4, 2009

Another late night

....but I just don't want to leave him. I put him down, then want to pick him up again. ;p

He is still having time on just the oxygen collar, and doing well. 2 hrs earlier today, then 2 hours tonight he was on it. Tomorrow they'll start 3 hr windows. He stats great and seems to do better without the vent (in my opinion) which is amazing. He is amazing. :)

I tried to introduce the breast to him last night and tonight and he was clueless. Stared at me and smiled. It was the strangest feeling having one of my babies next to me not acting like he was starving to death to get on! But how would he know what to do? And he isn't hungry! ;) In time... Surprisingly, I am okay. And I say that because I really thought I was going to have a meltdown about the whole not being able to breastfeed issue. But I feel so blessed to have Camden, that he is getting stronger, and that he is even able to eat - even if it is through a
g tube. Those things are so huge, God is in control....and I do believe he will breastfeed and figure the whole "food is supposed to go in your mouth" thing one day. =)

One of the risks of being on ECMO is hearing loss. Even while on ECMO we would see him flinch when people made loud noises. He would also respond to our voices, so we knew he could hear something. Well, he passed his hearing test....another HUGE blessing!


  1. Dev it just gets better and better everytime I read what you have to say. I so know what you mean about not wanting to leave. When Robbie was in the NICU I was there almost all the time. I hated leaving, it just didn't feel right.
    If he is meant to figure out the breastfeeding he will, I love you attitude though. I never did breastfeed Robbie and I did have a mini meltdown because of it. Now that he is 13 its one of the last things that come to mind when I think of that time.
    I love ya girl!!

  2. Praise God he is doing so well. <3

  3. Amen Dev. Don't worry, he'll figure out that he loves that ninny!!! hee hee

    Love ya!!!!!!!

  4. I'm sure me being there when you were trying to breastfeed was not the best of ideas...But, I do think he will do it:) He has got the sweetest little nature and I could just sit and stare at him all day:) I am so proud of you and so amazed at how God has equipped you with everything you've needed on this journey (and know He will continue to guide;) You're Awesome!! and Camden is one lucky little boy:)
