Sunday, May 23, 2010

Putting things in perspective.....

Last May>>>

This May......
Tonight, I am not able to look at this picture without crying. This picture says it all. He looks so free here. I put him in this swing yesterday and his excitement brought tears to my eyes. He would get the hard giggles as I pulled him back and counted to "three" and then waited on me to let go and yell, "weeeee" He would sign "more" when I stopped... over, and over, and over again. I never knew just how far he would come in a year, no one did, but yesterday he was swinging, breathing on his own, hearing my voice, holding on to the swing so tightly with his little hands, and laughing out loud.

Thankful to Him for guiding us from that May to this May.

* why do the baby swings have to look so gross at every park?? Those that know me KNOW just how difficult it was to put Camden in that thing. I sani wiped it over and over again as it remained black, realized it needed a magic eraser, and just had to 'let it go'. I had to remind myself that whatever black stain was on the swing was now (hopefully) germ free. Camden could have cared less. He will eventually have to learn to live with me and learn germ rules.


  1. precious. I'm sure it's been a long year, but look how far he's come. Thanking Him with you! what a blessing you have.

  2. Oh!!!! All i can say is Thank You Jesus!!!! What a year. My lesson is hold on to Jesus, put your faith in Him and don't let go. If you let go too soon, you miss the blessing. Love the smile.

  3. Love that pic Devon!!!!!!!!!!! And you too!

  4. yeah!!! thank you Jesus... Devon Camden is so cute.

  5. I LOVE it! What a great way to look at it. And what a wonderful picture of him in that swing. That is what pure joy looks like!

    I had to laugh out loud at the dirty swing part. I just love how you say that at least the black stain was now germ free! Too true, and too funny!

  6. I love that picture of Camden. And I agree about the swings. I've gradually allowed Mikan to accumulate the germs...
