Wednesday, January 20, 2010

"It will happen..."

I have told myself and Camden that phrase a lot this week. I am still working on the bottle and he is doing so good. 3 ounces in a thirty minute time frame is the record so far. At times it is a huge fight, but I think he really knows Im way hard headed and he seems to give in at times. AT TIMES. LOL He sometimes gives me this smirk that seems to be saying, " I'll fight ya to the end, momma...get it AWAY" He has thrown the bottle and hit the bottle too. But, I am way proud of him and I am seeing him drink! It will happen....he will one day no longer need his feeding tube.

He seems to be doing ok. Im a bit concerned that he doesnt seem to tolerate his PMV ( cap for his trach so he can make sound and breathe more through is mouth and nose) He also needed oxygen last night. Maybe he was just having a bad night. We'll see how he does tonight.

These days he is loving to play peek a boo and running into our ankles with the walker.

No appointments this week, yeah!

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