Sunday, April 18, 2010

Camden's new move and new diet...

After much thought and prayer, Marcus and I have decided to move Camden in the room with us. I called the nursing company last Friday and let them know and told them they could finish up with this month, but that I am ready to have my baby in with me. ( Plus a lot of nursing issues, but I'll spare u the details =p) I am beyond excited to have my baby in my room. He is doing well, and hasn't had any serious scares. I know that my sleep wont be as thorough, but it is time. I am beginning to be more stressed about new nurses and sleeping nurses and that hasnt been helping me sleep. I will have the monitors taped to my head. Not really, but they will be on a shelf right next to my bed. Room measurements have been done and there are spaces ready for the crib, O2 tanks, suction, apnea, and pulse ox machines, j bunn, and feeding pole. =p I hope Camden is just as happy and does well with the new move.

Today was Camden's first blenderized diet. I was super excited. This first batch was turkey, applesauce, squash, peas, olive oil, milk, rice cereal, and a bit of corn syrup and boy did it stink! (Good thing it is given by gtube lol) I am not sure how he is tolerating it. He was off and on retching today. I am not sure if I gave it to him too fast? I did his dinner over 30 minutes and he didn't do well. Tomorrow I will slow it back to over an hour and I am thinking he'll do fine, then we will work at slowly getting faster. Day by day..... =) And thankful to the Lord for this day....


  1. Hi Dev,

    I think Camden will love being with Mommy & Daddy. I love your thoughtfulness of the entire situation and God gave you the perfect solution. The new food will be an adjustment, but it will work itself out. Camden will soon enjoy every bit of it. He is such a trooper!!!!

    Be blessed

  2. I think it is great that Camden is going to be in with you guys. I think Camden will like it, also.

  3. I think it's going to give you much more peace girl. Nursing issues stink!

    Love you!!!!
