Thursday, October 14, 2010


No one else, but Camden. He seems to be kicking it ok. Sleeping a bit more, and tonight he had a neb due to a little wheezing. That is the first one since last winter! Hopefully he will just get better fast, and it wont turn into anything. =0)

Tonight he said his third official word, "More" It is too precious and the lip formation he does with it has us laughing so hard. It is so neat to hear!!

ENT visit was fine. Ear tubes still in place and trach hole being left open for now.

We traveled to Jax yesterday to see his ped. I shared the food allergy issues, and we are going to rotate his diet to see ho that works for him and also to not create more allergies like I did with the soy. I am alternating hemp, rice, almond, and coconut milks ( with a lot of other things added to it). I havent tried coconut or almond yet. He did gain weight with the extra olive oil I have been putting in his food and made it to 23 pounds.

We found out that his precious surgeon, Dr. W is leaving. I was so upset to hear this. She is one of a kind and we will feel a great loss when she is gone. I cant begin to express the gratitude I have for everything she has done for Camden. God used her in a mighty way for our family, and we are so thankful. I go to see her on the 26th of this month and am hoping she has changed her mind. ;o) Well, you never know! =0)

Physically Camden is catching up. We are in a two story house now, and if we allow him, he will climb right up the stairs. I still have to look into getting speech over here now that I have moved, but have slacked in that area. He still doesnt take in any calories by mouth, but continues to lick things when in the mood. Still signing for communication too...

Camden has adjusted well to his new place. He still sleeps in our room and still uses the apnea monitor at night. He loves seeing his Nana and Papa on a regular basis too! We are really liking our new little town.


  1. I'm glad you guys are all liking the new place!!

    I hope he gets over his sniffles soon!! I'm dreading the rest of the year!!

    Thanks for the update!
