Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Where do I start? ;)

Been a while and a lot has happened. I'll try and give you a short version. New mic-key feeding button was put in, everything fine. The surgeon also had an xray done and his diaphragm is still intact and we will see her again in 2 months. I had my first trach plug since we have been home a few weeks ago due to someone switching the heater tubes where Camden wasnt getting any moisture. I thought he was getting sick, but poor baby was so dry and his secretions were so thick that he finally just plugged. As soon as I changed the trach he was fine, I just wish I had noticed the heater situation sooner,( still do not know how it happened ) but he is fine now.
All this while we were staying in a condo across the street while our house was gutted. The house looks pretty and we are home, but moving back in is chaotic. =) I am so disorganized and overwhelmed with it all, but it'll eventually get cleaned.

The OT comes Thursday for an evaluation. I can't wait to finally get that started. In the meantime I just continue working with him. He will suck a tiny syringe and swallows much better and faster. Mostly bites on the paci, but will suck occasionally.

Im sure I have skipped many details that have happened this month, but I'll fast forward to yesterday. :) We went to the Pulmonologist and she has decided to wean Camden off the vent even more. He has done well with his two, thirty minute windows off and now he is doing 3, 1 hour windows for two weeks, then after that he will be off the vent 2 hours, three times a day. Also of the oxygen unless his numbers go down, but last night he was off all night and did awesome. Doing so good!

For the vent moms: his bpm is 6 and PEEP is now 6 =)

He also gained a pound this month and is now 15.7 Still on breast milk only and since he gained the nutritionist won't want to add anything to my milk. =)

He is trying to make more sounds around the trach and his new thing is slapping things. ;) He inspected his hands yesterday like it was the first time he had noticed them. He is such a joy....thank you, Lord for allowing me to raise and care for Camden and continuing to heal him....

Pictures will come when I come across my camera that is probably in a box somewhere .....


  1. Hello,
    I met Sue through ebay and have added Camden to my prayer list. He sounds like quite a special little guy and I can tell how loved he is.
    I just wanted you to know his spirit has reached across the country and he has a new friend in Seattle, WA rooting for him.
    May the Lord continue to bless your whole family during Camden's healing.

  2. Happy 6 Months Camden James!!!!! Whoo hooo!!!

    Camden~ did you hear Nana shouting glory all the way from Madison County?? What a doctor report! God is so good and faithful! Dev, Camden looks so good & healthy for sure all that thru-the-night-pumping has paid off! I can attest to the fact that the displacment while the renovation was happening didn't bother him in the least :) With all the trials you Roell's have gone through here lately make me wonder what ministry God is shaping you for! I love you each and hold you in my prayers always for God's peace to rule in your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus!
    P.S. Thank you Susan, my new prayer partner~ What a joy to have you in the circle from the west coast:)

  3. im so glad you have an new clea house!! I know how uch we ove to clean....lol! i would love to help if you need it! let me know distins been off earlier!
    so glad to hear camden is weening off the vent PTL!! so good!
    love you all lots! tell micah lilianna is just dying to hang w/ her soon, thats all i hear!! wheres Micah when can we go visit, its so funny how they are so close when they are so little and how they rememebr the times with eachother!!

  4. Devon, I am elated to hear how great Camden is doing. He is an awesome little boy. God is so good.
